Huawei to channel investment to Russia after shakedown in the US

  1. In response, to the shakedown in the United States of America, Huawei has channelled its investments to Russia. The technology manufacturer has been accused by the Trump administration for allegedly working in connection with the Chinese government to spy on other countries. A claim which has been repeatedly rejected by the Chinese firm.

Washington, one of the company’s major allies has deemed the smartphone maker as a national security threat and has urged all associates to ditch Huawei technology, especially in relation to 5G networks.

Earlier last year, US companies were barred from conducting business with Huawei technology. The latter however was granted temporary license in order to facilitate support for existing hardware with software updates.

Meanwhile, the world’s largest communication equipment vendor announced plans to invest over $10 million dollars in the development of its mobile services network in Russia, last year. The Company vowed to give about $ 7.8 million to promote 5G technology in Russia and train 10,000 specialists by 2025

In partnership with Russian operators Huawei is set to rollout the next generation of networks, and helped launch the first 5G test zone in Moscow.

The ongoing trade war between the two of the world’s largest economies seems unending as the Trump administration has blacklisted Huawei and other Chinese firms, alleging they are national security threats.

Despite Huawei’s denials of the accusation, Washington continues to put pressure on the company, recently depriving it of foreign chip supplies. Earlier this month, the tech giant acknowledged that it will have to stop making the chipsets powering its flagship smartphones.

A recent published speech from the founder of Huawei noted that “some US politicians want Huawei dead,” but the company maintains that American politicians’ attitudes does not represent American companies and society, so the company “will never hate” the US, “no matter what.”

Following the developments in America, China has also threatened to impose restrictions on all US firms and entities including suspending the purchase of Boeing aircraft, which could be a huge blow to the aerospace firm as it faces massive losses over the coronavirus crisis.


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